Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ultrasound part deux

Monday was our 12 week ultrasound, which the State of CA recommends in our to test for down syndrome. Cool. My husband would get to come along and we were both pretty excited.

First I want to say that my OB is really growing on my and Robert liked him as well. Baby started out by really cooperating with the ultrasound, giving a great profile. Eventually he rolled away and never did give us that profile again. However, we saw a lot of great angles and even better, I didn't pee myself even though the doc kept shaking my belly trying to get baby to give us a better view. Yay!

Doc was showing us at the all limbs were in place, "there's the right arm, there's the left arm. Four fingers, there's his thumb. Left leg, penis, right leg."

Um, huh? Robert and I look at each other to see if we hear correctly and the doc confirms. He also says that even though it looks like a penis to him, we shouldn't tell anyone until our 20 week scan when he can be 100% certain. Still, he said it so casually and there was so clearly something sticking out between what were clearly legs. I'm a little taken aback because I'm thinking about 3 different couple friends of ours all with babies due this summer who have decided to keep the sex a surprise. We were planning to find out, so we're pretty psyched to have the news earlier than expected, but Doc never asked us if we'd want to know. What if we didn't and he just blurted it out like that? I think we probably would have guessed because after all there's something sticking out between his legs. But still...

In other news I had a scare this morning when I rear-ended an SUV on the way to work. My Doc graciously allowed me to come in for a quick check on the baby with the doppler and the heart rate was strong and steady. Thank goodness. So I took the day off of work to rest and deal with my car.

I told both my bosses and one co-worker about my pregnancy yesterday, which turns out to have been rather lucky since my desire to run to the doctor after a little rear-ending wouldn't have made as much sense without that context. Both the bosses were really excited for me, and I even got a hug from my boss who has told me in the past that he's not a "hugger". I felt really lucky and so excited to be "out". Now that he knows, I feel like I can put it on Facebook...when I'm ready.