Sunday, April 24, 2011

More reading and more symptoms

When I found out I was pregnant the firs thing I wanted to do was read every book I could get my hands on. My husband suggested that I look into the site "" and so I spent an entire evening logging all our existing reading material into this website so I could see if anyone wanted to trade my cookbooks for their pregnancy reading. I ended up getting 3 interesting books which thus far help to satisfy my thirst for knowledge about pregnancy.

I also created a new twitter account when we started trying to get pregnant so I could follow and befriend other people trying to get pregnant. I ended up getting hooked up with a couple different news article crawling twitter accounts and since then I've been reading practically every new study on pregnancy that's out there. Among the most frustrating are two articles that came out very recently, one saying that babies of mothers who overeat during pregnancy are predisposed to obesity and the other say that babies of mothers who undereat during pregnancy are predisposed to obesity. Between the two articles I'm completely baffled about what to do. I also read that if I eat crappy foods while pregnant, my kid will only want to eat crappy foods once they arrive. The problem is that I'm already developing some nausea when I get close to veggies. I'm not surprised by this since, generally speaking, I hate vegetables and have to force them on myself under the best of circumstances.

In other news my breasts have gone from "sore" to "downright painful". I'm already not a great sleeper. Because of back pain, I tend to flip over multiple times during the night and since I developed this lovely symptom, every time I flip over, the discomfort basically wakes me up completely. Yay! So I've resigned myself to employing the assistance of my most supportive sports bar day and night.

I also had my first creepy pregnant dream, which honestly I had hoped to avoid although I knew that wasn't likely. I used to have crazy wedding dreams before and during my wedding planning, so I kinda knew it was coming. Last night, I dreamed I delivered the baby, fed it, and then returned later and it was some kind of loaf of bread. I was freaking out that something terrible had happened, but my husband and others kept assuring me everything was fine. Awesome.

I'm only 5 weeks, 2 days, and I can't yet wrap my mind around feeling like this (not just the physical symptoms, but also the anticipation) for another 35 weeks. I mean, how is that even possible?

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