Sunday, April 24, 2011

Changing Pad and Pocket from Sewing Republic

Today I spent about 4.5 hours putting together this changing pad - pattern from

I thought it would be pretty easy, but I ended up with a couple tough spots. First, the rounded corners aren't worth the design feature for my level of expertise. I also accidentally rounded all four corners, when the pattern only calls for two corners to be rounded. It might not have felt so frustrating if I hadn't had to do it four times. I also didn't fix the raw edges of the pocket before fixing it to the pad, which is pretty much common sense, but I didn't see it in the instructions.

Also, I continue to have a very difficult time with binding. I think I know what I did wrong this time, so the next time I bind something, I think I'll have a better time with it. Still, with tons of extra binding I somehow managed to end up with exposed raw ends on the "front" of the changing pad.

The great thing about this project was that I completed it quickly and I had everything I needed right here at home without going out for supplies. I'll probably try this again, and try to do a better job making clean stitches and just binding it like less of an idiot.

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