Tuesday, April 12, 2011

And then there would be 3

So after methodical tracking of periods and cervical fluid and use of 3 ovulation predictor tests, I pinpointed the best time to have sex and tried to get my husband to follow my lead. In the end, we managed to get to it only once in my "fertile window" which is five days long. Since then I've been stuck wondering and hoping, but not hoping too hard. I hope both for a pregnancy and for an end to the drama of timing and waiting. We'd done it exactly once and I already knew why infertility was so crummy on a day to day basis. I wanted to parts of it, but naturally feared the worst.

Fears turned out to be completely unfounded.

After one measley little deposit, I'm totally knocked up. I'm actually a little in awe of my body and his body and our collective ability to get things done. I should be surprised since he's one of three children and I'm the biological child of someone who got pregnant on an "oops". Still, it's thrilling and almost unbelievable.

I wasn't actually feeling particularly pregnant and I was going to wait until tomorrow when my period would actually be late, but my husband wanted me to test last night, so we compromised on this morning. I laid in bed a long time this morning because I didn't want to get a negative result, so I was holding on to the not knowing as long as possible. I tried to be non-shalant about it, but the pregnancy test box was touting 84% accuracy for one day before missed period, so I was nervous too. I took the test, tried not to look and went about my daily pre-work routine in front of the mirror. I glanced at it, of course, about 30 seconds later and the little plus sign was already forming. I couldn't believe it.

So I waited, hopped around a little, still positive. Put on my robe, started sweating, checked again, still positive. So I woke up my husband to give him the news. He couldn't believe it. We went back and forth for about 10 minutes about how we couldn't believe it. I really can't and not in a "wow I'm euphoric" kind of way, but more in a "this wouldn't happen in real life" kind of way. Plus, understand I don't feel different...at all.

So I called my mother and father, immediately gave them the news, and reminded them that while I was telling them, I really shouldn't be. They had a great happy reaction, but it wasn't quite the moment I had envisioned. I think this is because it all happened so fast and I still didn't really feel like it was real.

I went quietly about my day at work, trying to focus on my work but occasionally becoming side tracked by due dates, OBGYNs, and daycare. 12 hours later it feels more real, but not totally real. I'll probably take another pregnancy test in a few days.

As it stand though, the baby would be is due on 12/23.

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