Sunday, April 24, 2011


One of the books I'm reading is a pregnancy journal ("The Pregnancy Journal") that gives you a little entry for each day of the pregnancy. It also gives you little prompts and asks you to write about symptoms and feelings and whatnot. It also wants you to write down your weight and waist size. The book is brand new and I'd like to be able to sell it when I'm done, so I'm not writing in it.

I'm not willing to measure my waist right now, but my weight this morning was 129.8. I was hoping to finish this trimester at 130 pounds which means I'm going to have to do some calorie control and exercise. I'm only 5'2 which means that my starting weight of 127lbs puts me at a BMI of 24, or just barely south of overweight. I've hovered there for the last 5ish years and always hoped to get a little bit thinner before getting pregnant. It never happened. Anyway, the scale remains my guide and this journal serves as my evidence.

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