Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ob GYN

Met my new OB-GYN today and have to say the whole thing was totally anti-climactic. First, it was basically just a pap that resulted in a script for a blood test. The doc is not exactly what I had hoped, so I'll probably try to meet a few others in addition to talking to some midwives. If I end up in a hospital birth situation, I really wanted to deliver at Providence Tarzana Medical Center because it's relatively close to our house and has one of the lower rates of c-section in local hospitals. However, there's only one other doctor on my insurance that has privileges at Tarzana. My thinking originally was that hospitals are a certainty and you never really know if you'll get your doctor on that day. I'm still feeling that way (especially with my Christmas due date) but I just really wish I had felt ANY connection with the doc.

Anyway, I'm due back for my next appointment complete with an ultrasound in three and a half weeks, when I'm 8 weeks along. By then, I plan to have a long list of questions so that I can try to crack that doc into a little more conversation and connection.

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